Haman, Hitler, and Hatred

Yesterday morning we returned to our series entitled, “The Queen and I,” a study through the book of Esther. We were in chapter 3, where we were introduced to a new character named Haman. He is the Hitler of the Old Testament. We saw how dangerous the emotion of anger can be when it is not kept in check. We saw that Israel was in for a terrible holocaust, but remember God is in the shadows. His name isn’t mentioned in the book, but He is behind the scenes orchestrating His will to be done. He has everything in place. You can listen to this message by following this link: Haman, Hitler, and Hatred, or visit our sermons page.

Here She Comes, Miss Persia

On Sunday, we continued our series entitled, “The Queen and I.” We were in chapter two where we are introduced for the first time to Esther. She is our title character, but not the main character. Who do you think is the main character? Is it the king? Is it Mordecai or Haman? No, the main character is God. Although He is not mentioned specifically, God is all over the place in the book of Esther. Though He isn’t on center stage, in the spot-light, He is behind the scenes, queuing the lights and prompting the lines. You can listen to this message by following this link or visit our sermons page.