Pray for Caleb

Our fifteen year old son Caleb had a rough day on Saturday. He is on the varsity soccer team for Wilson Christian Academy. He was playing in the Brittany Tournament on Saturday morning when he received an elbow to the head. When he came out of the game he was really confused. I took him to the emergency room where we spent the entire afternoon (well, four hours). The doctor determined he had a 2nd degree concussion. They did a CT scan on him that came back fine. This morning Joanna took him to the doctor. His doctor did a very thorough examination on him. We think everything will be fine, but he can’t play for two weeks. He is disappointed because he is going to miss three games, two of which are conference games. He still doesn’t feel very well. We would appreciate your prayers.

Great Day Sunday

The Lord gave us a wonderful day yesterday at Tabernacle Baptist Church as we held a one-day revival with Dr. David Wood. Brother David did a tremendous job of motivating our people in the areas of revival and evangelism. We were thrilled to see several people down the aisle making decisions of surrender and dedication during both services. We had one lady saved yesterday morning. I enjoyed getting to know Brother Wood and learning more about his ministry David Wood Ministries. You can listen to these messages here: Sunday Morning AM and Sunday Evening PM or visit our sermons page.

“An Effective Witness”

Sunday, we were between sermon series.  Next week we are having Evangelist David Wood in for a one-day revival. In preparation for a big day, I preached on Romans 10:1-17, on the subject of “An Effective Witness.” I challenged each of us to be in our place on Sunday and to do everything we can to have a friend with us in the services. We talked about Paul’s burden for souls and what it will take for us to have that same kind of compassion. You may listen to this message by clicking here or visit our sermons page.

“What a Difference a Day Makes”

crowd.jpgYesterday morning we were in Esther 6-7. When we last saw Haman, he was puffed up with pride. He alone had been invited to a private banquet with the King and Queen. He now was invited to a second banquet. Esther didn’t reveal the reason, but she needed to wait to make her request to the king. The reason she needed to wait is God had something else planned before she dropped the hammer on Haman. God was going to honor Mordecai and Haman was going to be humiliated. Haman’s highstake game of Hangman was going to end with him building his own gallows. He didn’t realize what was going to happen – what a difference a day makes. God providentially put his hand in the glove of history and kept the king awake on that night. He called for the book of the chronicles of the kings. He read of Mordecai saving his life. It is as if God’s hand in the glove of history was keeping the king awake, that he was selecting that particular book, that he turned to that particular page. God was at work. What a difference a day makes. The story reaches its climax in Esther 6-7. You can listen to that message by clicking here: What a Difference a Day Makes or visit our sermons page.